What is BeGlobal Network?

And where did we come from? beGlobal Network was born through a collective effort to create a hub of cities engaged in the fight against modern slavery and human trafficking in global cities. This happened, particularly, because while Silvia and I, from the Modern Slavery Research Center at BRICS Policy Center, at PUC-Rio, in Rio […]
Global Cities Free of Slavery and Human Trafficking: the case of Nan Province, Thailand

For the Asian Research Center for Migration at the Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University, community participation is relevant for the prevention and surveillance of modern slavery and human trafficking as well as safe repatriation and reintegration for the survivors. Nan province is selected as a site of the study because Nan is a border […]
International Migrants Day Conference 2020

Asian Research Center for Migration hosts International Conference “Weaving the Threads of Migration, Sustainable Development and The Pandemic”. With the partnership of representatives of the cities of Rio de Janeiro, Nottingham and Maputo, the international forum brought together relevant stakeholders to discuss and exchange knowledge and perspectives on the unfolding situation concerning migration, mobility and […]
I Webinar Global Cities Free of Slavery Partners Forum: A COVID-19 impact analysis

With the spread of the Covid-19 virus worldwide, the BeGlobal oriented its debates to the effects of the pandemic on patterns of modern slavery, considering the impact of emergency state policies on the labour market. Emerging official and civil society evidence (IBGE,2020, Walk Free 2020 and ILO 2020) has shown that the pandemic has exacerbated […]
Global Cities Free of Slavery I Workshop in Rio de Janeiro

Aware of the relevance of approaches that engage with both global policy networks and specific locations to tackle human rights violations globally, the BeGlobal network launched its first workshop in Rio de Janeiro in the BRICS Policy Centre, in January 2020. The workshop in Rio was the first step to the construction of an anti-slavery […]
Global Cities Free of Slavery

The movie centered its discussions on modern slavery and new forms of labour exploitation in the city of Rio de Janeiro. By filming the Cooperativa Maravilha, Morro da Providencia and the city’s port area, promoted several discussions regarding the contemporary side of the problem. It also counted with the participation of international and national researchers […]
Institute of Asian Studies

BRICS Policy Center

UK Research and Innovation – UKRI

PUC-Rio – Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro