For the Asian Research Center for Migration at the Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University, community participation is relevant for the prevention and surveillance of modern slavery and human trafficking as well as safe repatriation and reintegration for the survivors. Nan province is selected as a site of the study because Nan is a border province between Thailand and Lao PDR and has been promoted as one of the tourist attraction places in Thailand. With more national and international tourists coming to Nan, the demand for employment in the service sector also arises. However, according to the national data, the number of human trafficking and people smuggling cases is tentatively low compared to other border provinces. As a result, the search to diagnose the social determinants of slavery in Nan as an example of success helps to understand the relevance of partnerships between the state, community and civil society to tackle the practice.

Nattakarn Noree
Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University