Costurando Meus Direitos

Supported by the organization Fundo Brasil, the project “Sewing My Rights” focused in women and children from Morro da Providencia, in the port area of Rio de Janeiro, that were facing socioeconomic vulnerabilities. The project targeted the fight against child labour, by addressing economic sustainability of their families. Technical Sheet: Director: Josy Manhães Cinematography and […]
Global Cities Free of Slavery

The movie centered its discussions on modern slavery and new forms of labour exploitation in the city of Rio de Janeiro. By filming the Cooperativa Maravilha, Morro da Providencia and the city’s port area, promoted several discussions regarding the contemporary side of the problem. It also counted with the participation of international and national researchers […]
Mãos à Carne

The documentary rises in the midst of several intense debates on protection of labour rights, highlighting relevant institutions that work towards the fight against modern slavery in Brasil, and raising awareness to the context of slavery in the country. With an internacional context that hingers million people worldwide, and victimizes over 369 thousand Brazilians (GS(, […]