With the spread of the Covid-19 virus worldwide, the BeGlobal oriented its debates to the effects of the pandemic on patterns of modern slavery, considering the impact of emergency state policies on the labour market. Emerging official and civil society evidence (IBGE,2020, Walk Free 2020 and ILO 2020) has shown that the pandemic has exacerbated injustices and inequalities, hitting minorities, women and informal workers and resilience of social groups that remain invisible to the state measures. These themes were debated on the I Webinar “GLOBAL CITIES FREE OF SLAVERY PARTNERS FORUM: A COVID-19 IMPACT ANALYSIS” held on an online platform on July 30th, 2020. This report is a compendium os the major discussions, findings and results, that had origin on the discussions held during the webinar with network partners.

Dr. Alison Gardner
Rights Lab, University of Nottingham