Inimígos Invisíveis: o impacto das lacunas na implementação da política pública de monitoramento do tráfico de pessoas no Brasil

Inimigos Invisíveis: o impacto das lacunas na implementação da política pública de monitoramento do tráfico de pessoas no Brasil

Rio de Janeiro

The thesis discusses the public policies and methodological challenges to fight human trafficking in Brazil, as well as the inability to monitor the crime at a global level when presenting greater risk of hindering the implementation of these strategies in all its spheres, whether they are: awareness, investigation or criminalization. Therefore, the inability to solve the problem itself creates restlessness and a desire for a change. In this line of thought, the thesis proposes a dialogue with the main actors in the anti-TIP agenda to try to align speeches and identify similar difficulties to think of alternatives to fight the problem.

In the Project

Heloisa Gama

BRICS Policy Center / Pontifical Catholic University of Rio

Rio de Janeiro

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