Precarização do trabalho, o vírus da COVID-19 e o papel das Organizações Sociais

The article discusses the impacts of the pandemia in the labor market and calls attention to the social organizations in periphery, highlighting initiatives that fight modern slavery and the need to develop public policies to reestabilish an economy that benefit the most affected ones.
Costurando Meus Direitos

Supported by the organization Fundo Brasil, the project “Sewing My Rights” focused in women and children from Morro da Providencia, in the port area of Rio de Janeiro, that were facing socioeconomic vulnerabilities. The project targeted the fight against child labour, by addressing economic sustainability of their families. Technical Sheet: Director: Josy Manhães Cinematography and […]
Global Cities Free of Slavery

The movie centered its discussions on modern slavery and new forms of labour exploitation in the city of Rio de Janeiro. By filming the Cooperativa Maravilha, Morro da Providencia and the city’s port area, promoted several discussions regarding the contemporary side of the problem. It also counted with the participation of international and national researchers […]
Inimigos Invisíveis: o impacto das lacunas na implementação da política pública de monitoramento do tráfico de pessoas no Brasil

The thesis discusses the public policies and methodological challenges to fight human trafficking in Brazil, as well as the inability to monitor the crime at a global level when presenting greater risk of hindering the implementation of these strategies in all its spheres, whether they are: awareness, investigation or criminalization. Therefore, the inability to solve […]
Social Determinants of Vulnerability to Labour Exploitation and Modern Slavery in Rio de Janeiro: The case of Morro da Providencia

This report stresses an intersectional analysis to explore the social determinants of vulnerability to labour exploitation and modern slavery in the city and urban sites. Gender, race, state, migration, stigma, work, poverty and COVID 19 alone may not say much but combined with the voice of all stakeholders, including the favelados, open venues to urgent […]
Combating slave labour in productive chains: capability developments in Brazilian-UK timber and beef supply chains.

This paper presents an analysis of four supply chain initiatives that exemplify the development of capabilities in the detection and remediation of the risk of slave labour in the upstream supply chains of Brazilian companies supplying Brazilian timber and beef to the UK. Our findings suggest that while there is evidence of capability developments at […]
Investigating global supply chains for slave labour: Using external data for enhanced supply chain mapping

This paper presents empirical data of instances of slavery in Brazilian-UK beef and timber supply chains. Coupled with data related to the changes to supply chain practices reported by UK importers under the UK Modern Slavery Act, this analysis is used to evaluate the likely effectiveness of these initiatives in the eradication of slavery. Findings […]
For the English to see’ or effective change? How supply chains are shaped by laws and regulations and what that means for the exposure of modern slavery

The article addresses global supply chains and cross and connect judicial systems, providing regulatory and legal frameworks in which supply chains operate. It investigates the impact of modern slavery laws and other parts of the legal framework surrounding Brazilian-UK beef and timber supply chains and how they interact with supply chain and market characteristics. The […]
Os desafios sociais, ambientais e econômicos na pandemia: onde estamos e para onde vamos?

In the worst point of the Covid-19 pandemia, the article reflects on results and impact of the growing sanitary crisis into the lives of those people vulnerable to slavery in the world.
Instituto MiGRa