Social Determinants of Vulnerability

Social Determinants of Vulnerability to Labour Exploitation and Modern Slavery in Rio de Janeiro: The case of Morro da Providencia

Rio de Janeiro

This report stresses an intersectional analysis to explore the social determinants of vulnerability to labour exploitation and modern slavery in the city and urban sites. Gender, race, state, migration, stigma, work, poverty and COVID 19 alone may not say much but combined with the voice of all stakeholders, including the favelados, open venues to urgent changes.

It also, albeit modestly, aimed to arouse the interest of academic researchers and “cariocas” to the main characteristics of this city and peoples, transforming what was historically considered a problem to, in contrast, a solution.

In the Project

Heloisa Gama

BRICS Policy Center / Pontifical Catholic University of Rio

Rio de Janeiro
Silvia Pinheiro

Dr. Silvia Marina Pinheiro

BRICS Policy Center / Pontifical Catholic University of Rio

Rio de Janeiro

Lucas Lemos Walmrath

BRICS Policy Center / Pontifical Catholic University of Rio

Rio de Janeiro

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