Do you know where the meat supplied at your grocery store is coming from and how it was produced?

It is likely that you purchased meat from Brazilian ranchers or slaughterhouses accused of modern slavery and deforestation. Brazil is the second largest producer of beef in the world, and one of the biggest suppliers to the United States, China, and the United Kingdom. Estimates suggest that over 50% of beef produced originates from industries […]
What is BeGlobal Network?

And where did we come from? beGlobal Network was born through a collective effort to create a hub of cities engaged in the fight against modern slavery and human trafficking in global cities. This happened, particularly, because while Silvia and I, from the Modern Slavery Research Center at BRICS Policy Center, at PUC-Rio, in Rio […]
Barbara Stone

Local Initiative to fight modern slavery in the city of Rio de Janeiro

History in the port area Historians report that during the 18th century and part of the 19th century, approximately one million Africans disembarked in Rio de Janeiro, precisely at Valongo Quay. Directed to the fattening warehouses or cemeteries, these Africans populated the port area, tenements, and slums. Some names have been given to this region, […]
Concept and laws on modern slavery in Brazil

The connection between human rights, trafficking in persons and modern slavery The eradication of slave labour in Brazil is associated with the preservation of human dignity and therefore it is on the list of human rights to be protected. It’s a consensus among human rights authors in Brazil that the transformation of human beings into […]
Modern Slavery Research Center, Rights Lab e Anti-Slavery International develop new research project
The Modern Slavery Research Center (BPC/PUC-RJ), was invited by the Rights Lab (University of Nottingham-UK), on behalf of the researcher Dr. Silvia Pinheiro, to contribute with the NGO Anti-Slavery International, with a study on aspects and implications of the implementation of mandatory due diligence rules in modern slavery, in the coffee and meat supply chains […]
Projeto Ação Integrada: Resgatando a Cidadania (ProjAI)

I Webinar Global Cities Free of Slavery Partners Forum: A COVID-19 impact analysis

With the spread of the Covid-19 virus worldwide, the BeGlobal oriented its debates to the effects of the pandemic on patterns of modern slavery, considering the impact of emergency state policies on the labour market. Emerging official and civil society evidence (IBGE,2020, Walk Free 2020 and ILO 2020) has shown that the pandemic has exacerbated […]
Global Cities Free of Slavery I Workshop in Rio de Janeiro

Aware of the relevance of approaches that engage with both global policy networks and specific locations to tackle human rights violations globally, the BeGlobal network launched its first workshop in Rio de Janeiro in the BRICS Policy Centre, in January 2020. The workshop in Rio was the first step to the construction of an anti-slavery […]
Tackling slavery in supply chains: lessons from Brazilian-UK beef and timber

The report contextualizes the reality of modern slavery in Brazil, mostly focused on Brazilian-UK beef and timber supply chains, aiming to demonstrate capacity development within upstream supply chain operations.